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DMs Configuration

Toggle whether to send direct messages when someone is kicked/banned/warned or muted or change the message the should be sent to the user.

These commands require you to have the MANAGE_GUILD permission


dms bans <enable|disable>?dms ban enableToggle whether to send dms to the target when a user is banned.
dms unbans <enable|disable>?dms unban disableToggle whether to send dms to the target when a user is unbanned.
dms kicks <enable|disable>?dms kicks enableToggle whether to send dms to the target when a user is kicked.
dms mutes <enable|disable>?dms mutes disableToggle whether to send dms to the target when a user is muted.
dms unmutes <enable|disable>?dms unmutes enableToggle whether to send dms to the target when a user is unmuted.
dms warns <enable|disable>?dms warns disableToggle whether to send dms to the target when a user is warned.
dms message <bans|kicks|mutes|warns> <dm message…>?dms message bans You have been yeeted from {} for {reason}Customize the message of what a specific action should send.
dms message-reset <bans|kicks|mutes|warns>?dms message-reset mutesReset the message of the action.
dms panel?dms panelView the dms panel.
dms tags?dms tagsView the tags that you can use in the action messages.


These are the tags that can be used in the DMs messages


These are only for the DMs messages, they dont work anywhere else in the bot

Target Tags

{target}Mention of the target.@Iliannnn
{}ID of the target.597445640129085440
{target.username}Username of the target.Iliannnn
{target.discriminator}Discriminator of the target.0001
{target.tag}Tag of the target.Iliannnn#0001
{target.avatar}Hash of the target’s avatar.a_c92deb6c3f7558f62caf2ba485c42087
{target.avatarURL}Image URL of the target’s avatar.

Moderator Tags

{moderator}Mention of the moderator.@Iliannnn
{}ID of the moderator.597445640129085440
{target.username}Username of the moderator.Iliannnn
{target.discriminator}Discriminator of the moderator.0001
{target.tag}Tag of the moderator.Iliannnn#0001
{target.avatar}Hash of the moderators’s avatar.a_c92deb6c3f7558f62caf2ba485c42087
{target.avatarURL}Image URL of the moderator’s avatar.

Server Tags

{}ID of the server.837028015706996806
{}Name of the server.Celendi Support
{server.icon}Icon hash of the server.a_50611c4d825a46db3195224498757205
{server.iconURL}Image URL of the server’s icon.
{server.verificationLevel}Level of the server.HIGH
{server.owner}Mention of the server’s owner.@Zyztem
{server.ownerId}Id of the server’s owner.785276955645313035
{server.ownerName}Name of the server’s owner.Zyztem
{server.ownerDiscriminator}Discriminator of the server’s owner.1992
{server.ownerTag}Tag of the server’s owner.Zyztem#1992
{server.ownerAvatar}Avatar hash of the server’s owner.7db60decd3a6109f48715a448639c6a6
{server.ownerAvatarURL}Image URL of the avatar of the server’s owner.
{server.memberCount}The amount of members in the server.39

Action Tags

{}The name of the action.ban
{action.namePast}The name of the action in the past.banned
{action.duration}How long the user is/was muted.1 hour
{action.reason}The reason of the action.spamming
{action.timestamp}Timestamp of the time the action happened.1577836800
{}Time the action happened.Jan 1, 2020, 12:00:00 AM