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Welcomer Configuration

Manage the welcome/leave channel, message and role

These commands require you to have the MANAGE_GUILD permission


welcome channel <set|remove> <#channel|id>?welcome channel set #generalSet/remove the welcome/leave channel.
welcome message set <#channel|id> <message…>?welcome message set 890590927171764235 Hello! Welcome to Celendi!Set the welcome/leave message.
welcome message remove <#channel|id>?welcome message remove #generalRemove the welcome/leave message.
welcome embed set <#channel|id> <embed object>?welcome embed set 890590927171764235 {title: ‘{user} joined the server!’}Set the welcome/leave embed by specifying a raw embed object.
welcome embed remove <#channel|id>?welcome embed remove #generalRemove the welcome/leave embed.
welcome card set <#channel|id>?welcome card set #generalSet the welcome/leave card to be sent in the welcome message’s attachments.
welcome card remove <#channel|id>?welcome card remove #generalRemove the welcome/leave card from the welcome message’s attachments.
welcome card background set <image url>?welcome card background set the welcome/leave card’s background image.
welcome card background set + attachmentwelcome card background set UPLOADEDIMAGESet the welcome/leave card’s background image by attaching an image.
welcome card background remove?welcome card background removeRemove the welcome/leave card’s background image.
welcome card background view?welcome card background viewView the welcome/leave card.
welcome tags?welcome tagsList all the tags you can use in the welcome/leave message/embed.
welcome role <set|remove> <@role|id>?welcome role remove 840320567893688400Set/remove the welcome/leave role.
welcome panel?welcome panelOpen the welcome/leave panel.


The recommended background image size is 1024x500. The image will be resized to fit the background.


These are the tags that can be used in the welcomer


These are only for the welcomer, they dont work anywhere else in the bot

Target Tags

{target}Mention of the target.@Iliannnn
{}ID of the target.597445640129085440
{target.username}Username of the target.Iliannnn
{target.discriminator}Discriminator of the target.0001
{target.tag}Tag of the target.Iliannnn#0001
{target.avatar}Hash of the target’s avatar.a_c92deb6c3f7558f62caf2ba485c42087
{target.avatarURL}Image URL of the target’s avatar.

Server Tags

{}ID of the server.837028015706996806
{}Name of the server.Celendi Support
{server.icon}Icon hash of the server.a_50611c4d825a46db3195224498757205
{server.iconURL}Image URL of the server’s icon.
{server.verificationLevel}Level of the server.HIGH
{server.owner}Mention of the server’s owner.@Zyztem
{server.ownerId}Id of the server’s owner.785276955645313035
{server.ownerName}Name of the server’s owner.Zyztem
{server.ownerDiscriminator}Discriminator of the server’s owner.1992
{server.ownerTag}Tag of the server’s owner.Zyztem#1992
{server.ownerAvatar}Avatar hash of the server’s owner.7db60decd3a6109f48715a448639c6a6
{server.ownerAvatarURL}Image URL of the avatar of the server’s owner.
{server.memberCount}The amount of members in the server.39

Action Tags

{}The name of the action.join
{action.namePast}The name of the action in the past.joined
{action.timestamp}Timestamp of the time the user joined/left.1577836800
{}Time the user joined/left.Jan 1, 2020, 12:00:00 AM

Welcome Card Tags

{card.url}URL of the welcome card.