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Privacy Policy

Keep in mind this can change anytime, as required/needed.

Last updated & effective at 18 December, 2022

We at Team Celendi care about your Privacy, so this was written for our users to learn how we respect it. Please read the following information to learn more about our Privacy Policy.

Celendi only starts collecting data when the user accepts the Terms & Policy by using it for the first time or when the user gets interacted with Celendi in any way, for example getting warned.

What data gets collected

When the user runs any of Celendi’s or commands or gets interacted with Celendi in any way, they consent to the following data being stored to allow for Celendi to function, as well as for safety, security, support and legal purposes:

  • Server ID (Where Applicable)
  • Channel ID (Where Applicable)
  • Role ID (Where Applicable)
  • User ID
  • Information given by the user in arguments

How do we save this data?

Celendi saves your data in a secured non-accessable database.

When do we share data?

Some commands require sharing command argument values provided by the user to a third-party API. No identifiable user information is shared unless the user provides it in an argument. Celendi will otherwise never share any user data.

We will never sell any data stored by Celendi whatsoever. Celendi does not share data unless needed for the functionality of the bot as stated above.

Deleting user data

You can request to us at anytime, at any moment to delete your data from our database, if you’re unsafe with sharing your data to us.

If you are blacklisted from our discord bot, you are not able to request a data deletion.

Modifications and questions

We may modify our privacy policy when it’s necessary or required without notice. If you have any question related to the discord bot about our privacy policy or your data, you can reach out to or throughout our support server.

Please also read the Discord privacy policy at